Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Leatherback rescue on Mantanzas South beach

Monday morning the Turtle Patrol walking Summerhaven found Leatherback tracks coming up the beach, over the dunes, across old A1A and into the marsh. They could not find the outgoing tracks!!! So looking all around they finally spotted her in the little river between Old A1A and A1A. She was stranded in the flooded area and was heading towards A1A and the ICW. They stopped her from going across the highway and then we all got there and headed her back over the dunes and back to the ocean. The thought of her being in our skinny ICW with so many miles from an inlet and all that Memorial Day boat traffic was too much for us to not guide her back to the ocean. .She was just awesome. We named her Summer and wished her luck on her journey. Unfortunately, it was such a hectic time and we were all in the water up to our waists and necks,just thinking about her safety that we did not get a PIT scan done. She was not huge as leatherbacks go, maybe 700 lbs or so, but she was GREAT!! Took alot of convincing and pushing to get her to go to the ocean and not A1A. Her breathing will live in my heart forever! Great big sighs and great breaths. She was amazing!!That night we did have a new Leatherback nest about 10 miles south of where she was. We are calling it Summers nest !!It was just a most awesome rescue. I am thanking Turtle Mother and the Turtle Gods for letting us help her back and to safety!! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!