Saturday, July 18, 2009

Leatherback Nest FB1 Excavation

Hello Turtle Lovers,
Here are pictures from the cleaning of FB1, our first wonderfully successful Leatherback nest for Flagler Beach in a long time. The debut of 4 live and healthy Leatherback hatchlings was more then I expected and hoped for. But there they were and it was the best. There was a total of 80 eggs in the clutch and there were 52 that hatched. 52 Flagler Beach Leatherbacks headed out to the big wide ocean. How Cool!!
Thank you everyone that came to help.Ramona, thanks for being the great photographer and taking all these wonderful pictures for me. Thank you to Dan, Theresa, Teresa, Thom, Catherine, Barb, Kelly, and Mark for digging to the depths while I deserted you to show off the babies. What a great team we have on our patrol. A big Thanks to everyone that came to help, watch, and be there for this. If you weren't able to make it and are getting these pictures, I am sorry you didn't get to be here but I hope you will enjoy the pictures.
Big Turtle Hugs to all of you guys!!!! Lori

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